• Strong Enough - Intro to Pole

    Yes! You are strong enough. No! You don't need upper body strength to get started. If you have never taken a pole class before, this is the place to start! 

    Our certified instructors will create a safe and trusting environment tailored for any body type or age to introduce you to the art of pole dancing. 

    You will start learning pole dancing vocabulary, explore basic spins, and practice conditioning exercises to get an amazing workout in. You will laugh, you will smile, and you will feel your muscles working. From here, it only gets better.

    Please take at least two Strong Enough classes before moving on to our beginner class, Space Kittens - Begginer Pole.

  • Space Kittens - Beginner Pole

    PRE-REQ: At least two Strong Enough - Intro to Pole classes. 

    Time to learn how to fly like a space kitten! Are you ready? Be prepared to amaze yourself.

    Space Kittens will learn how to climb the pole and create beginner shapes in the air. You will start working on your inversions, and string together moves you already know into combinations.

    You may hear yourself say: “Did I just do that?”

  • Spin Kittens - Beginner Spin Pole

    PRE-REQ: Begginer Pole, able to do a pole climb

    Have you already attended a few Begginer classes and woudl like to work more on your spin pole skills? This class is for you!

    Some argue that everything is prettier on spin...let's see for ourselves! Take the moves you already know from your begginer classes and see how they feel on a spin pole. Learn how to control you speed and condition your spinny skills. Create lovely upright shapes. 

  • Get It! - Pole Conditioning (OPEN LEVEL)

    Heeey, got some conditioning?

    Condition to progress to the next level, no matter what your current level is! Open to All. You will work on conditioning different muscle groups, pole techniques, grips, climbs and more! Your moves will become cleaner, stronger, and more attainable. Say "Yes"!

  • Ground Control - Low Flow (OPEN LEVEL)

    PRE-REQ: Begginer Pole

    Fluid, meditative movements…YES! 

    Take yourself on a journey around the lower part of the pole. Connect the floor and the pole with seamless and sexy transitions. Explore this unique and beloved style of pole dance with endless possibilities for combinations and choreography phrasing. Our instructors will be your ground control as you discover new worlds of movement.

  • Flow 'N' Flaire- Themed Low Flow (OPEN LEVEL)

    PRE-REQ: Beginner Pole. 

    Pole dancing is FUN! No stiff uptight vibes here :)

    Every class is like a party! Come play dress up. Build on your technical dance skills while learning some sexy flow pole choreography. Dancers are encouraged to come wearing whatever makes them feel their party best! Heels optional.

    New theme released each week!

  • Ooh, So Fluid - Pole Fluidity (OPEN LEVEL)

    PRE-REQ: Begginer Pole

    Dreaming of those smooth silky transitions? Do you have the 'moves,' but aren't sure what to do with them? Or do you find yourself practicing pole trick after pole trick, with little 'dance' in between? 

    This open-level class focuses on helping you move fluidly through your transitions on, off, and around the pole. You will learn how to find fluidity in your movement, and build your flow from small sequences. Recommended for everyone wanting to make their movement on the pole more organic and seamless.... and for everyone wanting to mesmerize.  

    Live your dreams, get Ooh, So Fluid. 

  • Celestial Body - Sensual Pole (OPEN LEVEL)

    PRE-REQ: Beginner Pole

    Every body is different and how you nourish your body through movement can be completely unique.

    Celestial Body will help you become a more fluid and authentic pole dancer by focusing inward to find the movements and styles that feel good for YOU. Sensual and fluid techniques/progressions will be accompanied by freestyle prompts to aid you in the process of relieving your mind and letting your body move instinctively. We will explore the details of simple movements and the limitless potential of shapes and progressions based on how your body wants to move.

  • Spin Galaxy - Spin Pole (OPEN LEVEL)

    PRE-REQ: Several begginer pole classes, including Begginer Spin pole. Strong climb on spin pole. 

    Come swirl in the Galaxy that YOU create around the pole. Learn new shapes suited for spin pole and fluid combinations that will take you up, down, and around the pole. Inversions on spin will also be thought at instructor’s discretion.

  • Liquid Motion (FLOORWORK, OPEN TO ALL)

    Learn ooey-gooey floor techniques with our Liquid Motion® licensed instructor. 

    “Liquid Motion® is recognized around the world for its seamless, organic, and hypnotic quality of movement.” And you WILL feel hypnotized. Most importantly, this is class will teach you how to string together specific movements and dance through transitions. Like magic, you will become a fluid and seamless dancer. All levels are welcome to sign up and learn a fluid floor-based sequence. 

  • The Higher Love – Intermediate Pole

    PRE-REQ: Strong forearm climb, inversions, and excellent control over the begginer moves.

    Yes, you are here. Spin and static allure, this class is for those prepared to challenge themselves. You will strenghen your inversions and leg hooks, learn more advanced aerial tricks, and incorporate the moves you already know into longer, more complex, and fluid sequences. 

  • Other Offerings

    We also offer Pole Parties, Open Pole Slay (No Instructor), Flexibility, and other fun stuff. Check out our schedule or email for details.